
(this is me)... in 1966-ish

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another day. . . . . .

I've been working on the renovation stuff all day (while they drilled - though it wasn't terrible drilling, was more like drilling-lite). I'm trying to figure out exactly what needs to be tended to by Raymond (the fraidy-cat architect) and exactly what questions are not answered by our 'sketch and run' landscaper' then put all this together to GET ANSWERS right now. I am a project manager who takes everything WAY too personally! Yikes.

I will be better next week after this silly (let's rehearse EVERYDAY this week ladies) wedding is over on Saturday. I have 2-3 solos..... Big responsibility. I'm wearing navy blue.

My dad's 76 today. All day I've been hearing the Sesame Street song in my head . . . . "I'm 76! I'm 76! I'm 76 years old today! I'm more than one.... I'm more than 2... And so on. I called daddy to say happy birthday and he told me they'd all gone out for dinner and his salad was NOT good. (They hardly had any dressing on it he said, woefully.) aha! so THAT'S where my love of complaining came from!! hang in there daddy, there's a better salad to be had - I just know it.

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